
14 April, 2011

I Heart Cake

Workmate and cycling buddy Kellie asked if I'd mind baking a cake for her mum's 50th birthday. Would I mind? I'd love to, silly! You see, I love to bake cakes. And there's nothing better than baking cakes for your friends.

With free reign and absolutely no idea how to decorate the cake, I needed inspiration, fast!

Flickr has long been a place where I can while away the hours looking at pictures of beautiful cakes so it seemed only natural that it would be my first port of call. I knew that I wanted to keep the cake simple, clean and pretty and hello naomi does this oh-so-well. Her cakes are exquisite and super cute, how could I not get inspiration from them?

I found a cake with the sweetest piping that I thought would look perfect and not too difficult to recreate on Kellie's cake. Whaddya think?

and because they are super quick to make I whipped up a couple of sugar roses...


I hope she likes it!


  1. This is so sweet! How could she not be pleased with it?

  2. Thank you! I think it went down well with the birthday girl.


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